Intel® Vision 2024 London: A Sneak Peek into the AI Revolution

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Intel Vision 2024

Intel® Vision 2024 London: A Sneak Peek into the AI Revolution

Written by Kieran Gilmurray and sponsored by Intel®

Fasten your seatbelts! I am excited to let you know that I will be heading to Intel® Vision 2024 in London on May 14th and 15th. Why? Because AI is exploding, and this event and Intel® are all about AI!

The rapid growth of AI and Generative AI has opened new possibilities for businesses everywhere. AI is penetrating every business. It will redefine how we work and deliver value. For example, AI has revolutionized medicine by allowing doctors to accelerate diagnosis and discovery, improving the quality of life for everyone everywhere. With AI, we can get deeper insights into our world, allowing us to be more creative and productive.

AI and Generative AI: Powering Tomorrow

AI is transforming every industry; every company will need to become an ethical and responsible AI company. Intel® gets that. For decades, Intel® has established itself as a technology innovator. For example, last year, at the AI Everywhere event in New York, Intel® launched the 5th generation of Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors. This paved the way for the age of AI PCs, which now power AI workloads in data centres, the cloud, and at the edge.

This year, Intel® aims to power every business with AI. So, I expect even more exciting Intel® announcements about the cloud, open ecosystems, the edge, enterprise data and data centres, as well as AI in every business, NIC, and every computer. If that happens, we will make gigantic steps in AI productivity and efficiency, and we will truly be at the onset of a generational shift that will change how businesses and people interact, consume and produce.

Intel® Core

AI Everywhere

The developments in AI over the last couple of years have set the stage for a modern tech renaissance. We are witnessing a tectonic shift in how humanity interacts with technology.  Artificial Intelligence is reshaping every aspect of business, including how we shop, socialise and engage.

I believe Intel® will be at the forefront of that revolution. Just as Intel® drove computing into the mainstream in the 1990s with its X86 processing technologies, today it is doing the same with its AI-powered computing systems.

So, what am I excited about and looking forward to seeing at Vision 2024?

AI Solutions Everywhere

The rapid growth and adoption of AI across industries opens new challenges and opportunities for enterprises everywhere. From the office to the factory floor, AI is essential for delivering the productivity and intelligence modern businesses need. To date, Intel’s software, hardware, processors and partner solutions have delivered excellent computing power and business results to enterprises everywhere. However, with today’s widespread demand for AI, Intel® must also dominate the AI market.

Thankfully, Intel® is stepping up. They’re using AI everywhere to make data pre-processing and the journey from modelling AI to production quicker, better, faster, and more responsible. For example, Intel® has recently partnered with Meta to support the development of its latest Llama 3 LLM with far greater inference and fine-tuning results than before with its Intel® Xeon® 6 processors. That’s the kind of results and computing power businesses need to make huge strides in business.

The Intel® Gaudi® 3 AI Accelerator
The Intel® Gaudi® 3 AI Accelerator

The Intel® Gaudi® 3 AI Accelerator

Powering Tomorrow

With Generative AI, enterprises will reimagine how every aspect of operations will simplify the development, orchestration, security, and management of increasingly distributed infrastructure, from performance-per-watt optimised AI PCs to connectivity for AI that runs everywhere. To power this transition, Intel® introduced the Gaudi® 3 AI Accelerator earlier this year. This new AI chip from Intel® promises a significant leap in performance and productivity for AI training and inference on popular large language models (LLMs) and multimodal models. It aims to deliver powerful AI-optimised compute with its unique, architecture, extensive memory capabilities, efficient scaling, and developer-friendly open software suite.

The next wave of AI computers, hardware and software platforms will need to embrace these exciting realities. They will need to do so in a way that is secure, affordable and flexible if businesses are to gain significant value from next-gen cloud, network, PC and edge-based AI. If Intel® is to succeed, it must not only meet this demand but also continue to push the boundaries as to what’s possible in the same way they have done for decades, but faster.

The Future of Business and AI

The accelerated pace of technological change is more impactful than ever before. The rapid growth of AI affects the future of computing, manufacturing technology, worldwide supply chains, government policy and more. Businesses must be ready to adapt to future technological innovations and implications. So, companies like Intel® have to position themselves to enable this change to happen at an accelerated pace never seen before. I can’t wait to hear Intel’s take on that, as well as what they are doing and planning to do to answer that call.

Tomorrow Today: Intel® Vision 2024 London

Will Intel® Vision 2024 London be a landmark event for tech, businesses and Intel®? I believe so. We’re on the precipice of an AI revolution and I expect an event packed with insights from Intel® as to how they will shape the future of business. Over the past five decades, Intel® has redefined enterprises with ground-breaking AI, hardware, software solutions and a commitment to open standards. As such, Intel® is perfectly poised to be a driving force in the AI revolution.

But it takes more than ambition to own an industry. So, will Intel® win? Having used Intel® technology for decades and watched them successfully reinvent business and computers, I wouldn’t bet against them.


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